Published Journal articles

Wu, K. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Gupta, R.: GARCHX-NoVaS: A Bootstrap-based approach of forecasting for GARCHX models. Minor revision requested from Journal of Forecasting.

Goplani, P. (Graduate Student), Karmakar, S., Dibyakanti, K. (Graduate student), Mukherjee, A..: Paper. Accepted at Transactions of Machine Learning Research.

Bonnerjee, S. (Graduate student), Chen, M., Karmakar, S., Wu, W.B.: Testing synchronization for multiple time-series. Revision requested from Journal of the American Statistical Association Paper

Karmakar, S., Podder M., Roy, S., Sadhukhan, S.: The spread of an epidemic: a game-theoretic approach. Paper To appear at Advances in Applied Probability

Bonnerjee, S. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Wu, W.B.: Gaussian Approximations for non-stationary time-series with optimal rate and explicit construction. To appear at Annals of Statistics. Paper

Gabauer, D. Gupta, R., Karmakar, S., Nielsen J. (Alphabetical order): Stock Market Bubbles and the Forecastability of Gold Returns (and Volatility). Paper To appear at Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

Karmakar, S., Richter, S., Wu, W. B.: Simultaneous inference for time-varying models; Journal of Econometrics. (2021) Paper

Karmakar, S., Wu, W. B.: Optimal Gaussian Approximation of multiple time series; Statistica Sinica, 30, 1399-1417 (2020). Paper Presented in Sinica invited session JSM 2020 (One of 3 papers for the time period 2018-20)

Chudy, M., Karmakar S., Wu, W. B.: Long-term Prediction Intervals of economic time-series; Empirical Economics, 58, 191-222 (2020) Paper

Nakada, R.(Graduate student), Kubokawa, T., Ghosh, M., Karmakar S.: Shrinkage estimation with singular priors and an application to small area estimation; Paper Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 183, May 2021

Karmakar, S., Roy, A..: Bayesian modelling of time-varying conditional heteroscedasticity Paper Bayesian Analysis

Roy, A., Karmakar, S..: Time-varying auto-regressive models for count time-series Paper Electronic Journal of Statistics 15 (1) 2905 - 2938, 2021

Wenting liao, Xin Sheng, Rangan Gupta,Karmakar, S.: Extreme Weather Shocks and State-Level Inflation of the United States. Paper To appear at Economics Letters

Karmakar S., Chudy, M., Wu, W. B.: Long-term prediction intervals with many covariates. Accepted at Journal of Time-series analysis. 2021. An earlier version was previously accepted for Internantional Symposium for Forecasting 2019 at Invited session on SWEET pricing. Paper

Karmakar, S., Demirer, R., Gupta R.: Bitcoin Mining Activity and Volatility Dynamics in the Power Market. Paper To appear at Economics Letters.

Salisu, A., Gupta R., Karmakar, S, Das, S.: Forecasting Output Growth of Advanced Economies Over Eight Centuries: The Role of Gold Market Volatility as a Proxy of Global Uncertainty. Paper. Accepted at Resources Policy.

Wu, K.(Graduate student), Karmakar, S.: Model-free time-aggregated predictions for econometric datasets. To appear at Forecasting. Paper Top 10 Feautured papers at the journal for 2021.

Karmakar, S., Mukherjee, A.: Provable Training of a ReLU Gate with Iterative Non-Gradient Methods Paper. To appear at Neural Networks.

Im, H. (Graduate Student), Srinivasan R., Maxwell D., Steiner R. L., Karmakar, S.: The impact of climate change on a university campus` energy use: use of statistical analysis and building characteristics. Paper

Wu, K.(Graduate student), Karmakar, S.: A new model-free prediction method: GA-NoVas. Paper To appear at Financial Innovation

Karmakar, S., Mukherjee, A., Papamarkou, T.: Depth-2 Neural Networks Under a Data Poisoning Attack Paper To appear at Neurocomputing

Karmakar, S., Gupta, R., Cepni, O, Rognone, L. : Climate Risks and Forecastability of the Trading Volume of Gold: Evidence from an INGARCH Model. Paper To appear at Resources Policy

Perez C. (Undergraduate student), Karmakar S.: An NLP-assisted Bayesian time-series analysis for prevalence of cyberbullying on Twitter during COVID-19 pandemic. Paper. To appear at Social Network Analysis and Mining.

Deb, S., Karmakar, S.: A novel spatiotemporal algorithm and its application on COVID-19 data from the United States. To appear at Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Paper

Plakandaras, V., Gupta, R., Wohar, M., Karmakar, S.: Are Real Interest Rates a Monetary Phenomenon in Advanced Economies? Evidence from Over 700 Years of Data. To appear at Research in International Business and Finance. Volume 66, October 2023, 102010. Paper

Bhasin, D. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Podder, M., Roy, S. : On a class of Probabilistic Cellular Automata with Size-3 Neighborhood and Their Applications on Percolation Games. Paper. To appear Electronic Journal of Probability.

Gupta, R., Karmakar, S., Pierdzioch C. (Alphabetical order): Safe Havens, Machine Learning, and the Sources of Geopolitical Risk: A Forecasting Analysis Using Over a Century of Data. Paper. To appear at Computational Economcis.

Bhasin, D. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Podder, M., Roy, S. : Bond percolation games on the 2-dimensional square lattice, and ergodicity of associated probabilistic cellular automata. Paper. Reject and Resubmit from Applied Probability Trust

Wu, K. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Gupta, R., Pierdzioch, C. : Climate Risks and Stock Market Volatility Over a Century in an Emerging Market Economy: The Case of South Africa. To appear at Climate.

Kundu, S., (Graduate student), Das, S. (Graduate student) Karmakar, S., Basu, K., Raha, A., Kundu, S., Makris, Y: .Bit-by-Bit: Investigating the Vulnerabilities of Binary Neural Networks to Adversarial Bit Flipping Paper. To appear at Transactions of Machine Learning Research.

Chakraborty, N, Karmakar, S., Koul, H. : A Bootstrap test for testing the equality of ultra-high dimensional covariance matrices. Paper Revision requested from Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Revision submitted.

Submitted articles

Karmakar, S., Mukherjee, A.: An Empirical Study of the Occurrence of Heavy-Tails in Training a ReLU Gate

Karmakar, S., Podder, M.: The regular stochastic block model on several-community networks. Paper :Revision requested from Statistics and Probability Letters.

Bhasin, D. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Podder, M., Roy, S. : Ergodicity of a generalized probabilistic cellular automaton with parity-based neighbourhoods Paper

Phase transition for percolation games on rooted Galton-Watson tree. Karmakar, S., Podder M., Roy, S., Sadhukhan, S. Paper

Published Peer-reviewed Conference Articles

Kuruvilla, A. (Graduate student), Karmakar, S., Basu, K.: Accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) (Acceptance rate 28/130) : Paper

Karmakar, S., Das, S.: Understanding the rise of Twitter-based cyberbullying due to Covid-19 through comprehensive statistical evaluation: Accepted for Hawaii International Conference on System Science 54

Karmakar, S., Das, S.: Evaluating the impact of Covid-19 on cyberbullying through Bayesian trend analysis: Accepted for European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference 2020

Das, S., Kim, A., Karmakar, S. (corresponding author) A change-point analysis of worldwide twitter trend to evaluate impact of Covid-19 on cyberbullying. Accepted for 16th Annual social informatics research symposium, 2020 and Poster at 15th International Workshop on Security 2020